Catholic Journal Prompts: Love Edition


Keeping a Spiritual Journal has been one of the most fruitful practices I have ever undertaken. The ability to articulate my prayers, struggles and victories on paper has added a depth and honesty to my prayer life. An added benefit is in looking back on my past journals and seeing the ways God has worked in my life through answered prayers and unexpected blessings. However, it is not always easy to journal.  Having some journal starters is an enormous help to overcome the menace of  “blankpaperitis”. This is the first of a series of journal prompts that I would like to share.  Each set of prompts will focus on a particular theme. The prompts will be drawn from the scriptures, the lives of the saints and some other personal reflections. Please feel free to share these and add your own ideas in the comments below! This edition’s theme will be on the virtue of love….Click here for other editions of Catholic Journal PromptsJournal Prompts from the ScripturesIn John’s Gospel 15:12-13, Jesus says: “This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Not all of us are called to physically die for another person, but we are all called to die to ourselves each day as an act of love for those around us. Journal about opportunities you have each day to die to yourself. Meditate on 1 Cor 13:4-7. Substitute your own name for the word love. Ask yourself the questions: where am I doing well and where do I need to grow? Ask the Lord for the grace to work on your weaknesses and fortify your strong points. 1 John 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts our fear.” Journal about


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