Intriguing commentary on Francis


Been swamped with work and haven’t followed the latest kerfuffles about the pope since a) they are much of a muchness with previous kerfuffles and, b) well, I love this guy, trust him and figure God doesn’t need me to keep an eye on him since the Church already has a savior. But I do love this:

Another reader also comments:
I think Francis is operating on the assumption that if Benedict felt guided by the Holy Spirit to resign and the whole conclave and the Church were praying for the God’s man for the moment and he was chosen so unexpectedly, that a Franciscan style Pope is what the Church needed at this moment. That hard as it is to believe – he – not a Benedictine style Pope – was needed at this moment. Personally, my tendency would be to stop the interviews after the first one – but Francis is an exceedingly shrewd man who seeks to constantly listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and his finely honed intuition about people. it is those qualities – not careful theological calculation about every word and step that has built so many millions of bridges of trust with people of every background all over the world. This is Pope as out-going apostle to the unbelieving and lost, not Pope as conserving defender and careful explicator of two millennia of big “T” and small “t” tradition which is a 19th and 20th century model. There have been many other positive “paradigms” of the office – in addition to the famous historical venality and corruption. Francis is much closer in style to the first Pope, Peter – another spontaneous man whom Jesus thought right for his time. Just my two cents – so glad I can commit the whole matter to God


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