Daniel Schwindt writes…


Just read your post in which you quote Aquinas in defense of Francis. I love to see writers highlighting the distinction between justice and charity in regard to that heinous swear-word, “redistribution.” I wanted to share a recent piece of my own on just this.
It represents the 5th part in a 6-part series on CST. You might find it agreeable.
PS: The Aleteia editors pick the titles… I’d have gone with something more subtle.

He also adds:
Also, I wanted to share with you my recently completed book, which is essentially a letter to my fellow millenials. Just so that you have a basic idea of who I am, I write at Ethika Politika, and I am an editor at Solidarity Hall. This makes me a fellow-traveler with, and friend of, Elias Crim, whom you might know.
All the chapters are extremely short—very little commitment required (intentional, since it is aimed at the meme generation).


Pat Flynn Coming to Tulsa

By Adam Minihan | April 1, 2022

Pat Flynn comes to Tulsa for the Alcuin Institute and St. Michael Catholic Radio Speaker…

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Suan Sonna Coming to Tulsa

By Adam Minihan | March 1, 2022

The Alcuin Institute for Catholic Culture and St. Michael Catholic Radio will be hosting Suan…

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